The Southern Australia Livestock Research Council Chair
Ian Rogan comes from a beef and dairy cattle farming family in the Clarence River region of northern NSW, and currently lives on a small rural property in the Central Tablelands of NSW. He has an honours degree in Rural Science from the University of New England and over 40 years of professional experience in the public and private sectors providing R,D & E services for the livestock industries across Australia.
That professional experience includes the conduct of sheep genetics research with NSW DPI; regional, state and national R&D management roles with NSW DPI, the South Australian Dept of Agriculture and Australian Wool Innovation; project management and livestock producer consulting services with Hassall and Associates Pty Ltd; strategic planning and project management consulting services for MLA, the Sheep CRC, Dairy Australia, NSW DPI and other organisations.
Ian has significant (over 20 years) experience in the membership and chairing of boards-including the boards of private companies, statutory authorities and industry associations.
As a result of all of these roles, Ian has a wide network of contacts across Australia with livestock producers, industry organisations and R,D & E service providers.
0418 484 088