About Us

The Southern Australia Livestock Research Council
The Southern Australia Livestock Research Council (SALRC) is an independent Incorporated Association and one of three national advisory councils set up to provide recommendations on research and development (R&D) and extension and adoption (E&A) initiatives and investments in the Australian red meat and livestock industries.
SALRC provides this function to the beef and sheepmeat industries of south-eastern Australia, while its affiliate councils, the North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC) and Western Australia Livestock Research Council (WALRC), provide an equivalent role to the northern beef and south-western livestock sectors, respectively.
Operating Structure
SALRC’s geographic area is based on seven major red meat and livestock production zones in south-eastern Australia including:
- Northern NSW
- Southern NSW
- Central and Western NSW & QLD Sheep
- Central Vic
- Western Vic
- South east Vic & Tas
- South Australia
Each of these zones is supported by a SALRC Regional Committee, comprising commercial livestock producers and meat processors, grower networks, RD&A providers and other key stakeholders involved in the delivery, extension and adoption of R&D. The Chairs of the seven Regional Committees in-turn make-up the producer representatives on SALRC’s full Council, sitting alongside senior representatives from Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), State Departments of Primary Industries (DPIs), CSIRO, universities and other major RD&A providers. At this level, SALRC is led by an Independent Chairman and Secretariat, and supported by a Governance and Management Committee.
Relationship with Meat and Livestock Australia
SALRC plays a key role in the consultation and reporting structure used by MLA in determining RD&A investment priorities. SALRC’s Regional Chairs collectively form the Southern Producer Panel, which provides commercially-relevant context, direction and feedback on RD&A priorities and RD&A proposals seeking MLA funding. Equivalent functions are provided for the northern and western regions through the (NABRC) Northern Producer Panel and (WALRC) Western Producer Panel, respectively.