SALRC Livestock 2024 Conference

About the Conference

Conference Details

Livestock 2024 is the third biennial conference delivered by SALRC and this years theme is environmental challenges and opportunities for Australian livestock industries.

Location: Atura Hotel, Albury NSW

Date: 21-22 August 2024

Registration: Via Humanitix

Ticket cost: $400 (discounted ticket rate for producers $150)

Conference Program: Livestock 2024 Conference Program

Livestock 2022 Conference

BarenBrug Howlong Research Farm Site Visit

As a proud partner of the Livestock 2024 Conference, Barenbrug invites conference participants to attend a site visit at their Howlong Research Farm following the conference from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Thursday 22 August. The tour will showcase key sustainability and plant productivity research Barenbrug are undertaking, linked closely with the conference theme environmental challenges and opportunities in our livestock industries.

Young Professional Scholarships

We are proud to support young producers, researchers and extension professionals from the southern Australian livestock industries to attend Livestock 2024 Conference. The scholarships aim to assist young professionals with associated conference costs (conference registration, accommodation and some travel) and increased networking opportunities. Seven scholarships are available.

Applications close 22 July 2024. Click below to download a copy of the Young Professional Scholarships information package, or call the SALRC Secretariat on 03 5341 6100.

Partner with Livestock 2024

Do you want to work with new or more leading red meat and livestock producers? Does your company want to contribute to the Australian red meat and livestock industry research and development agenda?

Livestock 2024 is a great opportunity to enhance and increase your commercial and knowledge partnerships.

The Southern Australia Livestock Research Council (SALRC) is seeking partners for the Livestock 2024 Conference. The attendees will be drawn from  leading livestock producers and providers of service to livestock industries across Australia.

Click below to download a copy of the sponsorship package, or call the SALRC Secretariat on 03 5341 6100.

Livestock 2022 Conference Young Scholarship recipients

Conference Partners

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Phone: 03 5341 6100